Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT create a power point presentation that reflects their research for a company, and review study guide.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Find examples for a good, service, consumer good, durable good, and nondurable good. Pictures.
Research 15 minutes: Students will finish research for power point presentations.
Keynote 35 minutes: Students will create keynote presentations on researched businesses.
Recording 20 minutes: Students will record voices using keynote.
Study Guide 15 minutes: Students will work on study guide.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT describe the importance of business, and basic economic concepts.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Where would you like to see yourself in five years? Be specific and describe how you will get there.
iMovie Presentation 15 minutes: Students will show their iMovies.
Research 30 minutes: Students will pick a business: History, Location, Products, and Types of Employment.
Keynote 20 minutes: Students will post what they have found on a keynote presentation.
Recording 20 minutes: Students will record their voices on keynote to narrate
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objective.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT share a current event, record, edit, and share videos.
Warm Up 10 minutes: List three of your biggest concerns with becoming a sophomore.
Current Events 10 minutes: Students will share current events with partners.
Editing/Filming/Sharing 20 minutes: Students will edit/film/share videos.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives and Standards.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT research a current event, review basic economic concepts, and film concepts of habits.
  • One Summary
  • Opinion
Research 20 minutes: Current Event
Vocabulary Review 20 minutes: Students will review vocabulary.
Sharing 10 minutes: Share video ideas.
Filming 30 minutes: Filming Movies.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wednesday, May 10, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT research a current event, review basic economic concepts, and film concepts of habits.
  • One Summary
  • Opinion
Research 20 minutes: Current Event
Vocabulary Review 20 minutes: Students will review vocabulary.
Sharing 10 minutes: Share video ideas.
Filming 30 minutes: Filming Movies.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT describe Supply and Demand, Review 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teen, and basic economic vocabulary.
Warm Up 10 minutes: What is Business and how will you use it in the future?
Review 15 minutes: Review Supply and Demand Graph
Review 20 minutes: 7 Habits of a highly effective teen.

  • Write a sentence on how you will use each to improve your academics.
Writing 25 minutes: 7 Groups Create a script showing one of the following Character Traits
Filming 25 minutes: Film scripts with partners.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Monday, May 7, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT describe Supply and Demand, Review 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teen, and basic economic vocabulary.
Warm Up 10 minutes: What is Business and how will you use it in the future?
Review 15 minutes: Review Supply and Demand Graph
Review 20 minutes: 7 Habits of a highly effective teen.

  • Write a sentence on how you will use each to improve your academics.
Writing 25 minutes: 7 Groups Create a script showing one of the following Character Traits
Filming 25 minutes: Film scripts with partners.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT describe the final character trait and share a current event.
Warm Up 10 minutes: Share current events.
Activity 25 minutes: 4-Square 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda
Objectives: SWBAT research current event, identify 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen, and basic concepts of economics.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Review what is business cycle and what does it tell us?
Vocabulary 25 minutes: Podcasts on Vocabulary: Unskilled, Semiskilled, Skilled, and Professional
Activity 20 minutes: 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen.
Current Event 20 minutes: Students research currents events.
Review 10 minutes: Students will review key vocabulary covered in class.
Closing 5 minutes: review Objectives.