Thursday, September 29, 2011

Firday, September 30, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, and Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT describe and identify some of your talents and interests.
Warm Up 15 minutes: After answering the questions would you change your mission statement? Why or why not?
Power Point 25 minutes: Interests Page
Closing 5 minutes

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thurday, Septemeber 29, 2011, Business AB4

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Objective: SWBAT identify their individual talents and work with groups to create an effective commercial.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Please write down three of the your most interesting discoveries from the hidden talents questions.
Keynote 30 minutes: Students will put their findings on a Keynote Presentation and Present them to the class.

  1. 5 Slides
  2. Title Slide with Name
  3. Slide Outlining steps to attain goals
  4. Ultimate Discover Slide
Groups 20 minutes: Filming Commercials
Closing 5 minutes.

Thrusday, September 29, 2011, Business B1

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Objective: SWBAT identify their individual talents and work with groups to create an effective commercial.
Warm Up 20 minutes: Students will make an advertisement of Pages describing the benefits of being thorough.
  1. Title
  2. Definition
  3. Slogan
  4. Importance
  5. Picture
Activity 25 minutes: p.86-90 #3-10
Sharing 10 minutes: Share out some of our talents.
Keynote 20 minutes: Students will put their findings on a Keynote Presentation and Present them to the class.
  1. 5 Slides
  2. Title Slide with Name
  3. Slide Outlining steps to attain goals
  4. Ultimate Discover Slide
Groups 20 minutes: Company Groups Filming Commercial
Closing 5 minutes

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance
Objective: SWBAT discover their inner talents and work as a team to create a successful ad campaign. 
Warm Up 15 minutes: List 5 Admirable Traits you would like to gain before you graduate high school.
Questions 25 minutes: # 2-5 Finding inner Talents.
Filming 15 minutes.
Closing 5 minutes

Tuesday, September 27, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, Pledge of Allegiance
Objective: SWBAT describe the correct ways to present themselves in daily lives and be able to describe the importance of having a good commercial campaign.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Describe three ways you should present yourself in your daily lives.
Groups 60 minutes:
  • Work on creating props and game plan for filming.
  • Film Inside on Commercials
  • Film Outside 
Reading 20 minutes: 7 Habit of a Highly Effective Teen p. 83 Uncovering your talents, Great Discovery #1-5
Closing 5 minutes 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 25, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objective, Agenda, Attendance
Objective: SWBAT describe the importance of how you present yourself on a day to day basis.
Warm Up 15 minutes: List Three things that important to remember when presenting yourself on a daily basis.
Reading 15 minutes:
  1. Three Main Points
Company 15 minutes: Students Write a Company Mission Statement.
Advertisement Video 15 minutes
Closing 5 minutes

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance
Objective: SWBAT create a personal and business Mission Statement.
Groups 15 minutes: Read Personal Mission Statements to group and discuss how to follow through on objectives.
Reading 10 minutes: How to write a Business Mission Statement.
Groups 15 minutes: Businesses Write a Company Mission Statement.
Closing 5 minutes

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Objective, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Objective: SWBAT use collaboration and communication to reach personal and group goals and be able to identify what it means to begin with the end in mind. 
Warm Up 15 minutes: Copy Objective. What does it mean to be proactive, and to begin with the end in mind? How does this lead to helping you be successful?
Reading 10 minutes: p. 73-76 popcorn read
Comic 30 minutes: p. 76-80 The Crossroads of Life, What about Friends? What about Sex? What about School? Who's in the Lead?
Personal Mission Statement 25 minutes: 6 Things that you will do to represent yourself well for the next four years of High School.
  • I will...
  • Acrostic Poem
How to Write a Mission Statement for Company15 minutes:
Closing 5 minutes

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Objective, Agenda, Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT use teamwork and collaboration to finish personal and company goals.
Reading 20 minutes: 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen
Advertisement Collage 20 minutes
Commercials 20 minutes
Closing 5 minutes.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Objectives: SWBAT to describe and create a business card and use teamwork and collaboration to create an effective ad campaign for business project.
Warm Up 20 minutes: Thoroughness Acrostic Poem.
Warm Up 10 minutes: What is the purpose of a business card.
Through 20 minutes: Create a Business Card using pages and save in portfolio.
Groups 35 minutes: Students get in business groups and begin work and filming on commercial
Reading 10 minutes: 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen
Closing 5 minutes.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance
Objectives: SWBAT create an effective business card and advertisement campaign to get company out there.
Warm Up 10 minutes: What is the purpose of a Business Card.
Business Card 20 minutes: Create a Business Card in pages and add it to Portfolio.
Commercial 20 minutes: Work on filming commercial.
Closing 5 minutes

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, Pledge
Objective: SWBAT use teamwork and communication to reach personal and company goals, and create a cover letter that will effectively communicate personal goals.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Copy Objectives from the board and What is the purpose of Resume and Cover Letter. Search the web and find five keywords to use on both.
Lecture 10 minutes: Create a Portfolio with Resume and Cover Letter.
Group 30 minutes: Start and Finish Cover Letter t
Story Board 20 minutes: Complete Story Board for commercial
Collaboration 15 minutes: Choose which commercial is the best for company advertisement campaign.
Writing 15 minutes: What have you learned so far this year. 2 paragraph
Closing 5 minutes.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge
Objectives: SWBAT use collaboration and teamwork to meet individual and team goals, and explain the importance and purpose of a cover letter.
Warm Up 15 minutes: Copy- Thoroughness and List three little things you can do to become more thorough.
Finish Presentations and rankings 15 minutes
Advertisement 25 minutes: Concept/ Story Board
Cover Letter Introduction 10 minutes
Writing 25 minutes: Cover Letter
Closing 10 minutes

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, September 9th, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance.
Warm Up 5 minutes: What did we learn yesterday about taking interviews and Cornell notes?
Prepare Presentations 15 minutes
Present 20 minutes.
Closing 5 minutes.

Garage Band Demo 10 minutes

Get into Company Groups
Writing Lyrics
create lyrics

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday, September 7, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, Pledge.
Objectives: SWBAT describe the characteristics of being proactive and use technology to present a comprehensive business plan. 
Warm Up 15 minutes: Describe three of your strengths and weaknesses. Share.
Discussion 10 minutes: Cornell Notes.
Group Reading Poster Presentations 30 minutes: Jigsaw, 7 Highly Effective Habits of a Teen.
Business Presentations 20 minutes: Prepare Presentations for Business Proposals.
Presentations 15 minutes: Business Presentations.
Closing 5 minutes.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, Pledge
Objective: SWBAT identify and execute the correct way to do cornell notes and use teamwork to build a business. 
Warm Up 25 minutes: Thoroughness
  1. Picture
  2. Title 
  3. Definition
  4. Slogan
  5. Importance
Business Project Poster 30 minutes:

  1. Name of Company
  2. Two Paragraph Business Abstract
  3. List Three Variable Costs and Fixed Costs
  4. Identify Total Cost
  5. List Three Products
    • Prices
    • Picture
    • How you will get it/ make it
    • Justify Cost
Reading 30 minutes:
  • Why Take Notes
  • Before Class
  • (p. 2)Here are a few additional points to consider
    • Collect Three main points.
List Successful Study Habits 10 minutes
Lecture Cornell Notes 20 minutes:
Closing 5 minutes