Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Business

Into 5 minutes: Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, Pledge
Objective: SWBAT identify and execute the correct way to do cornell notes and use teamwork to build a business. 
Warm Up 25 minutes: Thoroughness
  1. Picture
  2. Title 
  3. Definition
  4. Slogan
  5. Importance
Business Project Poster 30 minutes:

  1. Name of Company
  2. Two Paragraph Business Abstract
  3. List Three Variable Costs and Fixed Costs
  4. Identify Total Cost
  5. List Three Products
    • Prices
    • Picture
    • How you will get it/ make it
    • Justify Cost
Reading 30 minutes:
  • Why Take Notes
  • Before Class
  • (p. 2)Here are a few additional points to consider
    • Collect Three main points.
List Successful Study Habits 10 minutes
Lecture Cornell Notes 20 minutes:
Closing 5 minutes

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