Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Objectives: SWBAT identify the requirements to graduate high school, three universities and the different programs they offer, and present a speech.
Warm Up 10 minutes: If you could study anything what would it be and why?
Identify 35 minutes: List Three Universities you might be interested in attending.
  1. Where is it located?
  2. What is their mascot and school colors?
  3. Do they have the program you are interested in studying?
  4. How much does it cost to go there?
  5. Does this school seem like a good fit for you and why? 
Poster 25 minutes: After your findings make a poster that expresses your collegiate goals.
  1. Title
  2. Major
  3. Picture
  4. Why? 
Presentations 30 minutes: Speeches on Talents, Interests, Goals
Closing 5 minutes.

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