Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Objectives: SWBAT create and deliver an elevator pitch, and create an effective website for their business.
Warm Up 20 minutes: Go online and collect five images related to compassion and write a brief description on why this relates to compassion.
Inquiry 10 minutes: Review notes on Elevator Pitch examples we watched on Tuesday and list three pieces of advice.
Activity 20 minutes: take time to finish elevator pitch and make sure grammar is correct and all the points are covered.
  1. [Name of your company] provides [your products or services] for [describe the specific segment of the market you will serve] who [describe the problem this solves for them].
  2. [Enter one sentence that tells why this business is needed and by whom.]
  3. [Make a statement about the size and/or growth trend of the industry.]
  4. [Write a sentence or two, no more, to address your qualifications to run the business.)
  5. [Make an honest, upbeat, substantive and credible claim about the business potential in terms of sales or profitability.]

Practice 15 minutes: Get with a partner and practice elevator pitch.
Activity 30 minutes: 7 Habit of a Highly Effective Teen Comic Life
Video 30 minutes: Teacher will have students come back in pairs of two and film their elevator pitch.
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives 

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