Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012, Business

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, Pledge of Allegiance, Agenda
Standards: 12.1 Understand Basic Economic Concepts
Warm Up 15 minutes: Review following Key terms:

  1. Business
  2. Economics
  3. Scarcity 
  4. Land, Labor, Capital
  5. Goods
  6. Services
  7. Durable Goods
  8. Nondurable Goods
  9. Capital Goods
  10. Consumer goods
Cost Analysis 20 minutes: How much will it cost to make one unit? How much can you sell it for? How much can you expect to make? Is it profitable?
Keynote Presentation 20 minutes:
  1. Title/ Name of Business
  2. Business Abstract
  3. Start Up Cost Breakdown
  4. Cost of Product and number sold to reach start up costs
  5. Profit Projection
  6. Conclusion.
Review 25 minutes: Describe the importance of each one in two sentences for each. Describe how they each relate in a final paragraph. 
  1. The Personal Bank Account
  2. Habit 1- Be Proactive
  3. Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind
  4. Habit 3- Put First Things First
  5. The Relationship Bank Account
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

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